What to look for
- Wild garlic – The powerful small of wild garlic (ramsons) can be found in Janet’s Wood from late spring onwards. A relative of chives the leaves of this plant have a strong taste and can be used in soups and stews.
- Janet’s Foss – Foss is the old Norse word for a waterfall or force and Janet (or Jennet) was believed to be the queen of the fairies who lived in a cave behind the waterfall. The moss-covered tufa screen over which it falls, has grown as calcite and has been deposited to form the apron seen today. Across the stream there is a cave, which was inhabited by smelters working the copper mines at Pikedaw to the west. The pool below the waterfall was once used to wash sheep before shearing in late June. Washing encourages the growth of new wool which lifts the fleece from the skin. The sheep were driven to the pool and the men washing them would be up to their chests in water. Sacking and strong drink kept out the cold.
- Gordale Scar is a dramatic limestone ravine containing two waterfalls with overhanging limestone cliffs over 100 metres high. The gorge was formed by water from melting glaciers. William Wordsworth wrote a sonnet about Gordale Scar; James Ward created a large and imaginative painting of it that can be seen in Tate Britain. J. M. W. Turner also painted a picture of it in 1816, also to be seen in Tate Britain.